Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Become an Information Broker

How to Become an Information BrokerHow to Become an Information BrokerWant to appeal to hiring managers? Come to them with useful information, not an appeal for employment.Almost every week, I lead workshops for laid-off professionals. Their new job is to get a job, and I give them two performance benchmarks for success These job seekers should be having five to six job-search related conversations every day and speaking to two or three hiring managers every week.Job seekers generally understand the importance of that first task, but the second causes eyes to roll. Sure, Im going to have two to three interviews a week, in this economy. RightThats when I correct their interpretation. Did I say interviews? No. I said, Speak to two or three hiring managers every week. That simply means have a conversation with them.How can you get the attention of hiring managers who may be able to help you later? Offer them something of value, without demonstrating blatant expectations for a job. To ge t more participation and better results from hiring managers, become an information broker. Instead of coming to them with your need for a job, approach them for an exchange of information preferably, based on information that you can give them.Someone fixated on approaching a job search through the front door cant understand this approach. Why would a hiring manager speak to me unless its an interview? If the only reason youre speaking to the hiring manager is because you need a job, I agree It wont happen. But if you can find creative reasons to speak with hiring managers or anyone, for that matter for reasons other than your need for a job, you can and will have many conversations that will advance that goal.Nowadays, one surefire way to ensure that you wont have those productive conversations is to wear the fact that you need a job on your shirt sleeve. Crying about your employment situation is depressing, and it will drive away people who could help not because theyre unint erested but because they definitely dont want to come up short if they cant help you. Its easier just to avoid engaging with you.Here are some key points for positive information brokerage1) You can never have too much information. Have you ever had a job you wished youd understood better in advance? Odds are you have. But in your rush to get the job, you skipped some homework on the way. Lets change that. Beginning today, seek information from folks about the direction your job search is headed perhaps that means asking questions about an industry, a trend, a new field youre exploring or some other information that can help you become a better-educated candidate. Not only will you be able to give the people you approach the satisfaction of demonstrating their expertise, but youll gain the tools to make better decisions about your next job.2) You dont need to tell people you need a job. People arent stupid. If you come up with good enough research projects that touch on your areas o f interest and simply start conversing with people on those areas, theyll know that youre interested in pursuing opportunities in that direction. If you build and nurture those relationships over time, they will think of you when they hear about opportunities that might interest you. By seeking information and treating the person you approach like the only person on the face of the planet that can give it to you you will cultivate a bigger circle of influence than you will wearing a sandwich board saying, Out of Work3) Knowledge and information are power. Hiring managers rarely have time to follow everything going on at the cutting edge of their industries after all, theyre busy with their daily tasks. You, on the other hand, have plenty of time to research trends and industry news, and you can parlay that research into information that makes you a valuable information broker, connector and conversation partner. If people in your professional network especially hiring managers c an benefit from talking to you, they will. Increase frequency, and youve got yourself on the radar.What does an information broker look like?In his book What Color is Your Parachute, author Richard Bolles shows the concept of the information broker in action. He tells the story of a gentleman who wanted to get into the petrochemical industry a field he knew nothing about but welches fascinated by. So, he set up meetings with companies in the business and used the informational interviews to conduct research on the industry.His initial meetings simply allowed him to learn the terms, issues and workings of the field. As he progresses, he exited each interview with a better understanding of the business. Before long he was able to hold meaningful discussions about the industry. During his fifth such interview, his hosts asked if he would like to view a video they had just compiled about the state of the industry and gave him a copy to take home.On his sixth and subsequent meetings wit h various petrochemical companies, the gentleman would bring the video with him and used it to launch a discussion of his research. By then, he was collecting and sharing information about an industry that he had known nothing about just a few weeks earlier. Hed become a thought leader, an information broker and, thus, someone worth hiring without ever asking.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

6 red flags in job descriptions that should have you running for the hills

6 red flags in job descriptions that should have you running for the hills6 red flags in job descriptions that should have you running for the hillsApplying for jobs can feel like a job. But as with your actual career, a little extra effort can go a really long way. Though its super tempting to skim and scan job descriptions in the hopes that the perfect fit will just leap out, this tactic can cause you to waste precious time and energy filling out applications and heading out to interviews that arent right for you.Worse yet, failing to pay attention to job description red flags could cause you to end up working at a job thats a horrible fit. Here are a few red flags that should cause you to think twice about an opportunity.1. The description is missing specificsIf a job description gives scant details, take the lack of information as a warning sign that the company is unsure of what they want. If the company isnt capable of clearly describing what skills and level of experience they require, they likely wont be too great at guiding you into your new role with their company, either. Steering clear of vague descriptions or convoluted titles can save you a lot of frustration and wasted time down the road.2. The description lists too many requirementsAlternatively, excruciatingly specific descriptions can be a bad sign for a different set of reasons. If their post makes them seem like their expectations are too high, that may be a sign that no matter who gets the job, their expectations will continue to be over-the-top. They may also have a poor idea of what the role actually requires, which can lead them to overcompensate by adding more detail than is actually necessary.3. No benefits are mentionedThe employer and employee relationship should be reciprocal. If the description asks for a lot of qualifications, skills and experience without mentioning what the company will do for their employee, consider that to be a major warning sign. Companies who are hesitant t o sing their own praises should be viewed skeptically. After all, if theyre trying to attract the best candidates, shouldnt they be screaming about how great their benefits are? The bottom line if a business offers little to no information about the positives of working there, they likely have little to offer.4. Flexibility is mentioneda lotWhile on the surface having work flexibility definitely seems like a positive, a company who overemphasizes the perk may be twisting the words meaning (no pun intended). Choosing what days you come into the geschftszimmer each week and having the ability to decide what hours you work may sound like a dream job come true, but your potential employer could mean that they want you to work nights and weekends. Unless youre cool with answering phone calls after dinner time or spending your weekends submitting status reports instead of chilling at afternoon brunch, approach listings that emphasize schedule flexibility with extreme caution and make sure that before you walk out of an interview, your employer and you share the same definition of flexible schedule.5. The earning potential range is wideWhen you see $100,000 listed in the space for salary, it can be so hypnotizing that you barely even glance at the first part of the range $30,000. A major disparity between the lowest and highest salary listed is a red flag for a few different reasons. First, if the phrase earning potential is used, that may be a sign that your salary will be based off of commission, which could be a negative- especially if you have little to no ausverkauf experience. Second, though you may want to give the distributions-mix the benefit of the doubt and believe that even if youre not earning six figures, youll be earning something close to it, thats probably just what the employer wants you to think. Having an uncharacteristically high salary listing can attract a higher number of applicants who wont walk away after theyve spent enough time interviewin g and getting roped into working for less than they anticipated.6. The job posting is anonymousThere are a number of reasons why companies may choose to leave out their name on posting boards, and some of them are pretty shady. The company may have earned a bad reputation either for poor business practices, being caught in scandal, or being flagged on websites for being a bad employer. Just as companies have the ability to check on prospective employees behavior, so to do prospective applicants have the ability to check on the behavior of companies. Another reason why companies may choose to take the route of anonymity is to hide the fact that they are searching to fill a position that hasnt yet been officially vacated. If this is the case and someone is blindsided shortly before you fill in, this could lead to a major scene on your first day, and hostile coworkers (who may unfairly blame you for the persons recent termination). This could also be a sign that the company in question lets employees go on the spot, which suggests a lack of job security.A version of this post previously appeared onFairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside knller on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.6 red flags in job descriptions that should have you running for the hillsApplying for jobs can feel like a job. But as with your actual career, a little extra effort can go a really long way. Though its super tempting to skim and scan job descriptions in the hopes that the perfect fit will just leap out, this tactic can cause you to waste precious time and energy filling out applications and heading out to interviews that arent right for you.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWorse yet, failing to pay attention to job descrip tion red flags could cause you to end up working at a job thats a horrible fit. Here are a few red flags that should cause you to think twice about an opportunity.1. The description is missing specificsIf a job description gives scant details, take the lack of information as a warning sign that the company is unsure of what they want. If the company isnt capable of clearly describing what skills and level of experience they require, they likely wont be too great at guiding you into your new role with their company, either. Steering clear of vague descriptions or convoluted titles can save you a lot of frustration and wasted time down the road.2. The description lists too many requirementsAlternatively, excruciatingly specific descriptions can be a bad sign for a different set of reasons. If their post makes them seem like their expectations are too high, that may be a sign that no matter who gets the job, their expectations will continue to be over-the-top. They may also have a poor idea of what the role actually requires, which can lead them to overcompensate by adding more detail than is actually necessary.3. No benefits are mentionedThe employer and employee relationship should be reciprocal. If the description asks for a lot of qualifications, skills and experience without mentioning what the company will do for their employee, consider that to be a major warning sign. Companies who are hesitant to sing their own praises should be viewed skeptically. After all, if theyre trying to attract the best candidates, shouldnt they be screaming about how great their benefits are? The bottom line if a business offers little to no information about the positives of working there, they likely have little to offer.4. Flexibility is mentioned a lotWhile on the surface having work flexibility definitely seems like a positive, a company who overemphasizes the perk may be twisting the words meaning (no pun intended). Choosing what days you come into the office each week a nd having the ability to decide what hours you work may sound like a dream job come true, but your potential employer could mean that they want you to work nights and weekends. Unless youre cool with answering phone calls after dinner time or spending your weekends submitting status reports instead of chilling at afternoon brunch, approach listings that emphasize schedule flexibility with extreme caution and make sure that before you walk out of an interview, your employer and you share the same definition of flexible schedule.5. The earning potential range is wideWhen you see $100,000 listed in the space for salary, it can be so hypnotizing that you barely even glance at the first part of the range $30,000. A major disparity between the lowest and highest salary listed is a red flag for a few different reasons. First, if the phrase earning potential is used, that may be a sign that your salary will be based off of commission, which could be a negative- especially if you have little to no sales experience. Second, though you may want to give the place the benefit of the doubt and believe that even if youre not earning six figures, youll be earning something close to it, thats probably just what the employer wants you to think. Having an uncharacteristically high salary listing can attract a higher number of applicants who wont walk away after theyve spent enough time interviewing and getting roped into working for less than they anticipated.6. The job posting is anonymousThere are a number of reasons why companies may choose to leave out their name on posting boards, and some of them are pretty shady. The company may have earned a bad reputation either for poor business practices, being caught in scandal, or being flagged on websites for being a bad employer. Just as companies have the ability to check on prospective employees behavior, so to do prospective applicants have the ability to check on the behavior of companies. Another reason why companies may choo se to take the route of anonymity is to hide the fact that they are searching to fill a position that hasnt yet been officially vacated. If this is the case and someone is blindsided shortly before you fill in, this could lead to a major scene on your first day, and hostile coworkers (who may unfairly blame you for the persons recent termination). This could also be a sign that the company in question lets employees go on the spot, which suggests a lack of job security.A version of this post previously appeared onFairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your prod uctivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Behavioral Interviewing Reinvented

Behavioral Interviewing ReinventedBehavioral Interviewing ReinventedBehavioral Interviewing Reinvented KennedyCan a successful but static business practice gradually lose its effectiveness? In the case of behavioral interviewing a technique that predicts on-the-job performance far more accurately than other interview methods the answer is yes.Behavioral interviewing is based on the premise that how a job candidate behaved in the past is the best predictor of how he will behave in the future. To elicit such information, a behavioral interviewer first identifies the skills or competencies necessary for a particular position (for example, decision making, persuasion skills, and problem-solving ability) and then uses a series of probing questions to reveal whether candidates actually possess those qualities.Rather than simply asking transparent interview questions about what candidatesdid in their jobs, behavioral interviewers ask candidates how and why they did it. This approach is ex tremely effective at identifying unqualified applicants or those who tend to exaggerate in interviews and on their resumes. The result is that more of the most competent and best-qualified candidates get hired.Unfortunately, the behavioral interview has become a victim both of its own success and the fact that hiring practices have changed since the technique was developed 30 years ago. Traditional behavioral interview questions are predictable and often overly structured, and a virtual industry now exists solely to coach prospective candidates on how to prepare for them.In fact, many candidates routinely invent examples of behavior before their interviews, or spin out prepared examples in real time in response to predictable questions. That means that behavioral interview questions are no longer as effective or useful as they once were.But the behavioral interview can regain its effectiveness. Here are just a few of the suggestions we offerUse a Process of Discover Rather than reso rting to predictable, structured questions, use interview questions that are especially geared to each candidate when you hear answers that need follow-up. Clarify what you hear until you feel satisfied that youre seeing the real person.Take Time to Get the Complete Picture Its important to know the combination of a candidates strengths and limitations. The competencies youre looking for dont stand alone they need to be considered in relation to all of a candidates qualities. For example, someone who has strong analytical skills can lose much of that advantage if he is not also decisive.Dont Just Rely on Questions That eingabeaufforderung for Specific Examples This makes it more likely your interview questions will inadvertently telegraph or reveal the response youre looking for and makes it easier for candidates to respond with prepared answers. Competencies that emerge naturally from the interview are more powerful and believable than requested or prompted examples of competencies .Seek Repeated Evidence That Shows a Pattern of Behavior This is far stronger than a single example and requires you to cover multiple jobs or time periods.Drill Down for Specific Details with Every Story You Hear Dont focus the interview process on just on the candidates version also ask how knowledgeable coworkers would describe the same event. When candidates claim results from what they did, ask for specific metrics and probe for further details.Ask What the Candidate Learned from Past Experiences This reveals the capacity to grow in a job and helps confirm the authenticity of claimed accomplishments.Going beyond the original behavioral interviewing techniques isnt necessarily complicated or difficult. But it does require a different way of thinking about each interview and a recognition that business practices must keep pace with a changing marketplace. Users of behavioral interview techniques need to stay ahead of sophisticated and well-coached candidates, today and in the fut ure.Author BioJim Kennedy, founder and President of Management kollektiv Consultants, is a recognized authority on selection interviewing. Management Team Consultants offers leading edge competency-based interviewing seminars which address current issues such as interviewing todays diverse workforce.For over twenty-five years, his company has helped hundreds of organizations make better hiring decisions, build retention and reduce costly hiring mistakes. Kennedy is the author of Getting Behind the Resume Interviewing Todays Candidates.

Friday, December 13, 2019

5 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Applying to a Company

5 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Applying to a Company5 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Applying to a Company Think about it have you ever landed a coveted job only to feel miserable mere weeks later, lamenting at your cubicle that if only you had listened to your gut- to have seen your boss disheveled desk for the warning sign it was- you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble. In other words, you ignored a red flag. A work-related red flag is basically a warning sign, either overt or even a gut feeling you have, that the job wont be a good fit for you, explains career coach Hallie Crawford . It can also be a possible issue you sense with the company , why the job is available, your prospective boss, or a team member youd be working with.A work-related red flag can be something you witness during the interview, read about in a company review, or hear about through the industry grapevine. But no matter the source, listen to your reaction to the news. Trust yourself, Crawford encourages. If you sense something might be off, listen to that gut instinct and ask about it during the interview. Picture a disheveled desk, stacks of folders strewn about, a trash can overflowing with crumpled paper- in other words, an office or a person that screams anything but Ive got it together . This is a red flag you cant chalk up to a bad day or a sense of disorganization, warns millennial career expert Jill Jacinto . How we choose to visually express ourselves is parte of the interview process. That is why we wear a suit, blow out our hair, or get our shoes shined. We want to show that we have it together. And trust us you want your future employer to put in the same kind of effort. A few loose papers is one thing, Jacinto concedes, but a desk covered in papers or garbage is another. It may seem like a very good thing if you if get offered the job before you even leave your first interview- but in reality, this could be a red flag because there cou ld be underlying issues, warns Crawford. Think about it why is the company so desperate to fill this role? Perhaps they arent able to keep someone in this position for very long, or maybe they fire employees regularly, Crawford says. Instead of saying yes in this situation, ask them why the position is available and listen carefully to their answer. Ask to meet your manager and ask him what his ideal employee would be. This will give you insight into their management style and anything that may be going on.Leaving a job description loose-ended is a recipe for work disaster. Why? Because, as Crawford points out, if an employer cant clearly define exactly what they want you to do, they may be keeping it vague so they can ask employees to handle a variety of tasks for little pay after theyre hired, says Crawford. Or, they may be just trolling for possible employees to test the market versus actually really intending to hire someone. If youre still interested in the job, dont leave the interview- and certainly dont accept the position- until you let the manager know you would like a clarification of the job description, she says. If they cant do it when asked, Crawford says, beware. Recalls Jacinto, I was advising a woman a few years ago who said she regrets not picking up on her current boss eccentric behavior. He had said during the interview that if he could, he would sleep at the office and spends all his time there. She agreed to come in on weekends for training- but the training never stopped. She- and the rest of the staff- were expected to march into work over the weekend to have team meetings and catch ups. Needless to say, she found a better job. If you see similar red flags during the interview process, run, Jacinto warns. If a boss all-but sleeps at the office, hell expect you and your team to bunk down too.You know what youre worth - and you know what others make who work in that same job- because youve used tools such as Glassdoors company salaries search tool to find out. And, if you are offered less than the salary listed in the posting or lower than what they said their range was, this could be a red flag, says Crawford. If you find yourself faced with this red flag, ask about benefits, but if they arent offering benefits or cant define them, they may just be trying to take advantage of you.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The War Against Landscape Resume

The War Against Landscape Resume The Honest to Goodness Truth on Landscape Resume Most salon owners will give skilled liability insurance policy plan to find a courtesy, yet. Check to your own salon proprietor to make sure youre titelbilded. You really are your private small business proprietor. Youre a self-employed small small business proprietor. You wont be let down. Because the amount of different applicants could possibly be large, youre want to stick out from the crowd. Its simpler than you believe. Make sure your resume is cohesive. The Basics of Landscape Resume Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a few minutes. Its crucial to be on the cover of the heap if you are going to be employed. In the summertime, it is a brilliant job. Theres no time for it. Your contact info and other information are available easily near the proper icon. If youre searching to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, take a look at our abso lutely free downloadable vorlages. Its possible to download the resume template at no cost and can readily edit the template using Microsoft word. Include a succinct summary section close to the peak of your resume below your contact details. Key Pieces of Landscape Resume The employer may want to know precisely what you want and the skills youre hoping to utilize. If you are fighting with the writing process, let us help you craft a resume that will surely impress your future employer. As an instance, there are a good deal of chances available for Estheticians in the job industry. The challenge of being a true student trying to find a job tends to be a deficiency of earlier job experience. Drop in your education, experience, skills, and contact details to allow it to be effortless to get in contact. Landscaping skills are excellent, but were not scared to employ people without landscaping skills should they demonstrate several other qualities. Strong ability to use analy tical abilities and apply effects. Must demonstrate superior abilities in all elements of the job. As an example, in your present employment, youre already handling supervisory and managerial responsibilities like handling teams and conducting training. In fact, expert maintenance samples is highly desired by many organizations due to their crucial part in keeping the integrity of operations. Omit high school experience if youve got higher-level education. In the event that you have no any acceptable expertise, then be sure to still incorporate lots of the newest function experience youve got. What Does Landscape Resume Mean? The organization is absentee-owned. After eight decades of landscaping for a little business, Brent chose to try and receive a job with a large, well-established business. It is extremely important that maintenance resume skills section needs to be composed of general maintenance abilities and thoroughly specific take online category of service expertis e. The job of Maintenance is extremely important. Dont forget to continue to keep your general maintenance resume clear and simple to read. It may be a broad field, but a well-written and effective resume can help you land the exact job you want. Fantastic but you will need to learn each aspect of landscape maintenance here, so that every individual on the crew can skillfully deal with every task the days work entails. Use the questions below to discover the very best way which you should answer interview questions. Knowing what type of question to expect will help prepare you even in the event you dont get the precise question. After the interviewer finally provides you with the chance to ask whatever you might be considering, its time to prove that youre the ideal candidate by asking the correct questions. The Fight Against Landscape Resume Take a look at our information technology resume samples for some tips about how to present yourself as the ideal candidate. Youll also receive a cover letter page you could drop a personalized message into. Our quote collections are organized by topic that will help you discover the ideal quote. Positive thoughts, wonderful suggestions and ideas from experts. Top Landscape Resume Secrets Working from a brief brief isnt simple. Career Shift is an all-encompassing career search website which offers a great method to organize a work hunt. Setting healthyboundaries is essential for self-care.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Your Mission Statement What You Need To Improve Hiring

Your Mission Statement What You Need To Improve HiringIt goes without saying that finding a technically competent professional is a crucial part of the hiring process. You dont want to go through the trouble of adding a new member to your team, only to find they dont actually have the knowledge base to do their new job successfully. However, now more than ever, youll want to look beyond just what this part knows in order to ensure the hiring choice is a wise one from a cultural fit standpoint. Considering whether a partie would blend in well with your geschftliches miteinander ensures that youre creating an office full of positive, productive energy. To hire for both skills and cultural fit simultaneously, weave your companys mission statement into the hiring process. Here are some tips on doing so successfullyMake it a point to define your mission statementIt sounds obvious, but many geschftliches miteinanderes shy away from defining their mission statement because leadership isnt e xactly sure what it should entail. They might fear the philosophy theyve come up with isnt sufficient enough, believing that it needs to be especially profound. In reality, the statement can be short or long heavy or humorous. There are no hard and fast rules about what makes a mission statement work. It just needs to feel authentic to your business and its employees.When you develop a mission statement, stay committed to itIts easy to sit in a conference room with your companys top brass and eventually develop a mission statement that packs a punch. Its also easy to let that mission statement become a meaningless pile of words that hangs in the form of a framed picture in the wall of your businesss lobby. Remain committed to your mission statement, and carry it through the day-to-day happenings. From the deals you make to the kinds of clients you pick up and the way you present yourself within the community, always keep a focus on the vision and values that drive your company. Its easy to stray from this philosophy in the chaos of daily business happenings, but circling back and remembering what your brand stands for is an important part of keeping your company on track in the long-run.Once youve created a mission statement that accurately reflects exactly what your business stands for, here are some tips on keeping that philosophy as a focal point of your hiring processWeave the mission statement into your companys materialsIf upper management has spent a significant amount of time crafting a mission statement that drives that particular brand, it only makes sense to publicize this philosophy. Highlight your mission statement, emphasize how it plays into day-to-day operations in your company, and why it matters directly on your businesss website. This is often one of the first places a potential employee will look as they gather information about your business before coming in for an interview, so informing them about the mission statement early is valuable. Also incorporate the mission statement into the job description you write for the open position. If youre treating a job description as an afterthought, youre doing a disservice to your company and to potential new hires. Spend the time necessary to create a thoughtful, detailed job description, and youll find hiring is easier because candidates come in knowing what to expect. When you put effort into your job description, youre less likely to get a severe disconnect between the type of person youre hoping to hire and the type of person who actually applies.Not putting your mission statement in your job listings is a big mistake. talentacquisitionClick To Tweet Seek out the type of employee whose values align with yoursInstead of hiring only for abilities and past experience, take a look at this person as a whole. What kind of energy would they bring to the company? What is their philosophy on the industry? How do they approach various projects or client relationships? Make sure the ir take on the working world is in alignment with the way your company operates. For example, if your business is very much about cooperation and collaboration, you would be wise to avoid someone who prefers only to work solo and has a hard time giving others credit for their successes or contributions.Be honest with candidatesYou may have a candidate in mind for a job, but telling them what they want to hear to get them to agree to an offer puts you on the fast track to disaster. As wonderful as it is to hire big name talent with impressive resumes and bookcases full of awards, you need to verify that these individuals perspectives sync up with your brands mission statement in order to promote long-term success. A person might be a heavy hitter in your industry, but if their approach to the profession is totally opposite from how your business operates, eventually the disconnect will become problematic. Dont try to apologize or explain away your companys values. The right employee will have the skills necessary to succeed, while also appreciating the way your brand chooses to approach the field. Have an authentic voice on social mediaToday, many job seekers rely on social media as a way to gather information about companies before they submit materials for consideration for open jobs. Use these platforms as a way to further convey what your company stands for. As you tweet, write Facebook statuses, or craft clever Instagram captions, always keep your businesss mission statement in mind. Though you may have different people creating content for various fruchtmarketing outlets, make it a point to keep a consistent brand voice whenever your business is involved. Your tweets should be written in the same tone as your email newsletters and your schlussverkauf packages, and they should all reflect the values upon which your company is built.What you put on socialmedia should reflect your companys mission statement.Click To TweetDont settleHiring can be stressful an d certainly time-consuming. Theres often pressure on those involved with the process to fill an open role as quickly as possible. This doesnt leave much time for analyzing cultural fit or thinking about the persons chance of long-term success within the company. While it can become taxing on other employees and company resources to keep a position open for months on end, dont rush the hiring process. Think carefully about the candidates you have in front of you. Who has the ability to succeed in the role from a technical standpoint? Who embodies what the company stands for? Who is able to do both? Its OK to take some time to weigh your options and feel certain about your decision before you make a move. Doing so reduces turnover, which ultimately protects the business. Separate skills interviews with values interviewsWhen youre looking to fill an open role, it can be tough to determine whether someone has the skills to do the job properly, as well as the personality to fit in well a t your organization. In order to gain a clearer perspective about whether this candidate is a good all-around fit, make it a point to separate skills interviews from values interviews. In one interview, the individual can show you their portfolio, talk you through how they would approach a design project, or discuss the computer programs in which theyre well-versed. In another interview, they can talk about the soft skills they have that would allow them to blend in with the rest of your team.Let your team members weigh inYour veteran employees know what your business is all about. They come to work each day and have a good feel for your companys energy, flow of information, and other factors that separate the brand from others in the industry. Therefore, these people are in an excellent position to offer insight about whether candidates would be a good fit for an available position. While it would be chaotic to have every team member voice their opinion on every person who comes in for an interview, you might find value in building a team comprised of a select handful of veteran people who become involved in the later stages of the hiring process.Make sure your values are in alignment across the boardOnce you decide on a mission statement thats going to drive your company, you want to make sure all departments embrace this idea. For example, lets say that a driving force behind your company is flexibility for employees. If this is the case, it would make sense then that you would offer a work-from-home policy. Perhaps you allow employees to set their own hours. You might also allow team members to bring pets into the office, or have a casual dress policy. ansicht all show that youre flexible with your staff, as long as they get the work done in a high quality way.However, you want to be sure this flexibility carries over to the hiring process, too. If youre going to preach the importance of flexibility for your team members, you need to be just as flexible wi th potential employees. Consider offering a video interview, so that would-be staffers can answer questions when its convenient for them, instead of having to flip their whole schedule around to fit in an interview. Or be open to conducting an interview in a neutral location thats convenient for both hiring manager and potential employee, instead of making the candidate trek out to an office in a location that might not be located anywhere near their home or current job. When you embrace flexibility across the board, youre successfully incorporating your mission statement into your hiring process.If your mission statement supports flexibleworking, so should your hiring process.Click To Tweet Borrow from other businessesThey say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, and this is especially true when you want to make sure your hiring process is operating as smoothly as possible. Start with some research about what other companies in your industry are up to. If you see a polic y you like, dont be afraid to implement it into your own hiring process.Make sure the interview environment reflects your businessWhen you move to later-round interviews, the environment that candidates walk into should actually reflect the business in which theyd be working, should they receive a job offer. If you opt not to conduct the interview inside your actual office space, you should choose a spot that syncs up with what your company is all about. If youre a very creative and relaxed company, the chosen location should echo these sentiments. If youre fast-paced and innovative, the location you select should feel the same way.Find out if your process is actually workingThough you may feel confident that your hiring process is a perfect reflection of what your companys mission statement is all about, you dont fully know if its actually hitting the mark unless you ask. Make it a point to talk to new team members once theyve been with you for a few months and get their thoughts. Did the interview process reflect what life at the company is like? What could you do better or differently?Finding a new employee who has all of the skills and experience necessary to hit the ground running once theyre hired is powerful, but dont underestimate the value of a person whose vision and values are in line with your companys own. Hiring for cultural fit is an essential part of making sure your new team member sticks around for the long haul so dont discount the importance of this factor as youre conducting interviews. Hiring with your mission statement in mind helps build a stronger companyculture.Click To TweetBy making sure your businesss mission statement permeates throughout the hiring process, you can feel confident that candidates know what your vision and values are all about. Those who receive an offer are more likely to have a personal philosophy that syncs up with your companys, thus yielding a productive long-term partnership.What are some other ways to make y our mission statement a part of the hiring process?

Thursday, November 28, 2019

4 things NOT to do when making your reference list

4 things NOT to do when making your reference list4 things NOT to do when making your reference listComing up with a reference list can be tricky to reach out, or not to reach out? To admit that its been a while, or not?close umfrage Advertisementclose dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012257 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close z-index 2-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -ms-transform rotate(0deg) to -ms-transform rotate(360deg) -moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -moz-transform rotate(0deg) to -moz-transform rotate(360deg) -webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -webkit-transform rotate(0deg) to -webkit-transform rotate(360deg) keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from transform rotate(0deg) to transform rotate(360deg) bx-close-inside-1012257 top 0 right 0 /* KD - Remove padding from video wrapper and set height to 100% */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper padding-top 0important height 100%.bx-custombx-campaign-1012257 bx-creative-1012257 .bx-wrap height auto/* KD - Change positioning to static as that was not necesaary and here you can adjust the height of the video element */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper video position static/* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *first-child width 100%.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative background-color transparentborder-style nonemax-width 900px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close stroke whitebackground-color blackborder-style solidborder-color whiteborder-width 1px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-AFvXBOB padding 10pxdisplay blockwidth auto.bxc.bx-campaign-101225 7 .bx-element-1012257-J0EiS8Y width auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-J0EiS8Y *first-child padding 2px 4pxfont-size 10pxcolor rgb(255, 255, 255)text-transform uppercasebackground-color rgb(0, 0, 0)background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34)Heres what not to do when considering references for your latest job application.Dont make up your history with the person when reaching outThis should really go without saying, but theres nothing to be gained from fabricating your past with the person youre reaching out to, even if its been a while.It makes no sense, and theyll probably call you out on it.Although your time working with the person may seem very distant,you definitely shouldnt embellish the truth in an effort to make yourself look better. It will only backfire.Dont forget to think about what the person might really sayBe realistic before reaching out. Is there anything that your potential reference could say that could cast you in a negative light?Monster contributor Danie l Bortz writes that one of the errors people make is blindly assuming the person will give you a glowing review.Even though you think you were a great employee, your past manager may not feel the same way, Bortz writes. If youre even the slightest bit unsure of where you stand, ask your references ahead of time what theyre going to say about you. If they dont plan on flattering you, take them off your references list and move on to the next person.Dont reach out to someone who let you go from a companyCounselor Caris Thetford writes in The Muse that you shouldnt put someone who fired you on your list of references.I wish I didnt have to explain this, but Ive actually been asked, How do I deal with the fact that one of my references fired me?, she writes. There may be times when you cant avoid a potential employer talking with a past employer with whom you had a terrible relationship. But you dont have to serve that up on a silver platter by including them on a document you control. Theres no universal mandate that you have to use your fruchtwein recent (or any past) supervisor for this.Dont obnoxiously rub in your successAre you still part of that one department? Its been so many years since we worked together - Ive moved on to so many different employers while chasing my passion that Icant even rememberDont do this.You may have found massive success since you worked with this business contact many years ago, but remember, youre the one whos asking for help. So stay humble.The last thing you want to do is talk down to someone who has the power to sway your potential employers decision.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

4 Steps to Creating a Healthy Organizational Culture

4 Steps to Creating a Healthy Organizational Culture4 Steps to Creating a Healthy Organizational CultureEvery organization develops an organizational culture. Sometimes company cultures just happen. They develop over time from the interaction of the people in an organization. Nobody ever sat down and thought through what they wanted the company to become. It just happened. Some company founders sit down and discuss the type of culture theyd like to have from day one. They are focused on creating a specific culture. Sometimes they succeed at this, and sometimes they fail. Why would they fail if they are so set on developing a specific culture? The Purposeful Culture Group offers explanations. Heres what you need to know to shape your organizations culture purposefully. Only Senior Leaders Can Modify Their Organizations Culture Joe in accounting is a great guy who is always friendly, kind, and fair, but his behavior is notlagelage enough to change the organizations overall culture. Steve in marketing can act like a jerk, but his bad behavior isnt enough to land the company in the worst places to work list. But, the behaviors of senior leaders do cause changes to the overall organizations culture. To help guide senior leaders to become more attentive to culture and intentional about culture, consider these tips from S. Chris Edmonds, CEO of the Purposeful Culture Group. Make your culture as important as results, your values as important as productivity.Your organization has stated performance expectations and works to hold everyone accountable for those expectations. What most organizations dont have are expectations about values, liberating rules that ensure cooperation, teamwork, validation, and (yes) fun at work. With both performance expectations and values expectations formally defined and agreed to, you know youve spelled out exactly how you want everyone to behave. Do you say that your organizations culture is one of openness and honesty, but you make b ig decisions behind closed doors? If an employee complains about something, are they praised for bringing the issue to senior managements attention, or shunned for being a nay-sayer or tattletale? Many companies say that they value one type of action, but they would never punish a manager for violating those culture rules. Make sure that you hold everyone inyour organization to the culture guidelines. If you arent holding everyone to them, its not your actual culture. Make them observable, tangible, and measurable. If you ask ten people in your company what integrity means, youll get ten different answers. (Maybe twenty.) You must define your values in behavioral terms. Craft I value statements that outline how you want people to behave. You might decide that integrity means I keep my promises or I do what I say I will do. Those specific behaviors leave little wiggle room for interpretation. Note that youre only defining desirable behaviors rather than making statements like I dont curse at my customers. Formalize only the behaviors you want everyone to model. I statements are somewhat difficult to craft if you arent completely clear on what you mean. Lots of companies- especially in the startup world- want to have fun cultures. But what does that mean? Does that mean you play sports or have water fights at lunch? If you cant define what a fun culture means, you cant enforce and measure it. It is a critical step that takes a lot of time but do not skip it, or youll never shape the culture you want. Live your valued behaviors in every interaction. Just telling people how you want them to behave doesnt mean theyll immediately begin acting that way. Leaders must be role models of desired valued behaviors. How leaders embrace, model, and coach these valued behaviors is how team members will (or wont) embrace them. Leaders modeling behaviors is powerful- and they must validate others modeling desired behaviors and redirect folks who are not modeling desired behavio rs. Living your stated values may also mean making hard decisions. If your stated value is fairness, and your I statement is I treat everyone equally, you have to fire the office bully, even if she brings in the highest sales and large amounts of money. It may seem painful to the bottom line, but your employees wont take your culture seriously if you dont make hard decisions in line with the values. Hold everyone accountable for living your valued behaviors, daily.Dont tolerate bad behavior any longer. Just as meeting performance expectations deserves reward and recognition, so too should modeling desired valued behaviors. And, just as missing performance expectations deserves redirection and coaching, so too should not modeling desired valued behaviors. By holding people accountable for both performance and values, you increase the frequency of desired performance and desired values. It is the most critical step. You cant let a value slide because its crunch time or a big client th at you cant afford to lose is involved. If you do, then your real values are different than the stated values, and your real culture is not whats printed on the plaque in your break room. As a leader, the most important rolle to hold to this standard is yourself. You cant make exceptions for leadership or high performers. Its either the companys value or its not. Holding people accountable every day will make a world of difference in how your companys culture grows and becomes a positive work environment. With a positive work environment, youll see employee performance improve as well, and youll make your workplace a more attractive destination for top quality employees. Suzanne Lucas is a freelance journalist specializing in Human Resources. Suzannes work has been featured on notes publications including Forbes, CBS, Business Insider and Yahoo.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A STEM Degree Does NOT Guarantee a Higher SalaryHeres Why

A STEM Degree Does NOT Guarantee a Higher SalaryHeres WhyA STEM Degree Does NOT Guarantee a Higher Salary- Heres Why Today, its not just common sense that degrees within the STEM field (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) earn you a higher degree - theres loads of data to back it up. Recent Glassdoor research revealed that the majority of the top 10 highest-paying college majors are in STEM fields, while other studies have found that STEM majors starting salaries are about $15,500 higher on average than their non-STEM peers, have higher employment rates, and earn about $300,000 mora than non-STEM majors over their entire careers.Given this, it might seem like a STEM degree is a golden ticket to a higher salary, nearly guaranteed to earn you more than your non-STEM counterparts - right? Not so fast.While the Glassdoor study found that many of these highly technical, specialized degrees did have a higher payoff overall, there were also many degr ees in which salaries varied significantly, even within the same major - especially for women . For example, within Mathematics, Glassdoors study found an 18 percent pay gap, with men earning a median base pay of $60,000 in the first five years after college and women with $49,182. Similarly, men who studied Biology had a median base pay of $46,000 in the first five years after college, while women brought in about $40,000.This is largely a matter of occupational sorting, the tendency of men and women to sort themselves into different positions. For female Mathematics majors, the three fruchtwein common jobs after college (ignoring grad-school jobs like teaching and research assistants) are data analyst , analyst , and business analyst . For men, the three most common jobs are (ignoring grad-school jobs) analyst , data analyst , and data scientist , the study reads. The larger share of male math majors working as highly-paid data scientists is the primary factor driving this male-female pay gap after college.Similarly, among women who major in Biology, the most common three jobs after college are lab technician , pharmacy technician , and sales associate . By contrast, the three most common jobs for male Biology majors are lab technician , data analyst , and manager. The fact that men are more likely to work as higher-paying data analysts or managers, while women are more likely to work in lower-paying roles as pharmacy technicians and sales associates creates a gender pay gap, even for students with the same college major, the study continues. What we dont yet quite know for certain, though, is why this happens. Some studies suggest that marriage and motherhood factor into compensation , while others hypothesize that personal passion plays a large role , and still others notenzeichen that when women begin to take over a certain career path, pay as a whole drops .As you can see, when it comes to guaranteeing that you earn top dollar, muc h of the impetus largely falls on you. Here are a few actions you can takeWhile receiving a STEM degree is a great first step towards ensuring that you receive a good salary, that alone is not enough - but coupled with some knowledge and proactivity, youll be set up for success.